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- Key Economic Indicators
- (Millions of U.S. dollars unless otherwise noted)
- 1992 1993 1994 1/
- Income, Production and Employment:
- Real GDP (1985 prices) 505,520 499,186 508,214
- Real GDP Growth (pct.) 0.7 -0.7 1.8
- GDP (at current prices)
- (billions USD) 1,220 992 1,026
- By Sector:
- Agriculture 42,778 32,992 N/A
- Industry 349,468 269,830 N/A
- Energy 32,094 26,507 N/A
- Construction 71,151 55,088 N/A
- Services 610,418 497,125 N/A
- Non-Market Services 169,185 137,363 N/A
- Government 157,127 116,718 N/A
- Net Exports of Goods and Services -3,564 27,803 35,694
- Real GDP Per Capita (USD)
- (1985 prices) 13,667 10,612 10,615
- Labor Force (000s) N/A 22,743 22,453 2/
- Unemployment Rate (pct.) N/A 10.4 11.3 2/
- Money and Prices:
- Money Supply (M2) 583,371 543,393 595,791 3/
- (annual pct. growth) 4.6 7.9 4.5 3/
- Base Interest Rates 15.8 12.0 11.2 3/
- Personal Savings Rate 17.2 18.0 18.9
- Retail Inflation (COL) 5.4 4.2 3.9
- Wholesale Inflation (PPI) 1.9 3.7 3.4
- Exchange Rate (lire/USD aver.) 1,233 1,572 1,600
- Balance of Payments and Trade:
- Total Exports (FOB) 177,969 168,630 89,243 4/
- Exports to U.S. 12,393 13,034 7,071 4/
- Total Imports (CIF) 188,249 147,772 79,978 4/
- Imports from U.S. 9,847 7,855 3,913 4/
- External Public Debt
- (USD billions) (year end) 44.0 42.9 48.5 2/
- Debt Service Payments
- (billion USD?) 4.1 4.3 2.7 2/
- Gold and Foreign Exch. Reserves
- (end-period) 45,219 49,221 58,116 3/
- Trade Balance -10,780 20,858 265 4/
- Trade Balance with U.S. 2,547 2,741 4,543 4/
- N/A--Not available.
- 1/ 1994 data are estimates by Italian Government or U.S.
- Embassy except where data are followed by a footnote,
- indicating actual data through that period.
- 2/ Figure based on January-July data.
- 3/ Figure based on January-August data.
- 4/ Figure based on January-June data.
- 1. General Policy Framework
- The Italian economy is the industrialized world's fifth
- largest, having undergone a dramatic transformation into an
- industrial power in the last 50 years. A member of the Group
- of Seven (G-7), the OECD, the GATT, the IMF, and the European
- Union (EU), Italy maintains a relatively open economy.
- Economic activity in Italy is centered predominantly in the
- North, resulting in a divergence of wealth between North and
- South that remains one of Italy's most difficult economic and
- social problems.
- The state plays an active role in the economy, not only in
- the formulation of macroeconomic policy and regulations, but
- also through state ownership of a number of large industrial
- and financial concerns. Recent governments, however, have
- begun a process of privatization that, if continued, should
- lead to a significant reduction in state ownership. To date,
- several large financial institutions and a few industrial
- concerns have been privatized. Key state monopolies in
- electricity and telecommunications are slated for privatization
- in 1995. Foreign firms, including U.S. firms, have been active
- both as purchasers of privatizing companies as well as
- privatization advisors. There is also a large and dynamic
- private sector. While a few major conglomerates with extensive
- overseas operations exist, the private sector is characterized
- primarily by a large number of small and medium-sized firms
- which produce for domestic and export markets.
- Italy's large public sector deficit and growing public debt
- constitute its most pressing economic problems. The stock of
- debt is currently estimated to be 123 percent of GDP. The
- budget deficit is expected to be about 9.6 percent of GDP in
- 1994. Since 1992, successive governments have implemented
- deficit reduction policies designed to alter the underlying
- deficit trend. The 1994 deficit was reduced by about 26
- trillion lire ($16 billion). The government budget for 1995,
- with spending cuts and increased revenues of approximately 47
- trillion lire ($29 billion), aims to reduce the deficit to 8
- percent of GDP. Deficit reduction in 1995 will be attained
- primarily by means of spending cuts on pensions and health
- care, combined with additional revenues from expeditious
- settlement of outstanding tax disputes and a pardon on building
- violations.
- Given Italy's fiscal imbalances, the primary objective of
- monetary policy is to support financing the budget deficit in
- the least inflationary manner. The monetary policy objective
- is to hold the increase in both M-2 (currency plus all bank
- deposits) and credit to the non-state sector to the expected
- level of increase of nominal GDP growth. The Bank of Italy has
- moved away from direct monetary controls in favor of indirect
- instruments, an essential shift in light of the integration of
- European capital markets. Its principal policy tool is open
- market operations exercised through repurchase agreements with
- commercial banks. The central bank discount window is seldom
- used, although changes in the discount rate are used to signal
- policy shifts.
- In late 1994 the Italian Parliament completed legislation
- implementing the Uruguay Round Final Act. Italy became a
- founding member of the World Trade Organization on January 1,
- 1995.
- 2. Exchange Rate Policy
- Italy has a freely floating exchange rate and no exchange
- controls. Prior to September, 1992, Italy participated in the
- Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM) of the European Monetary System,
- which obligated Italy to maintain fluctuations of the lira
- against other ERM currencies within a narrow band. In
- September 1992, due to severe pressures in foreign exchange
- markets, the Italian Government devalued the lira by seven
- percent against the other ERM currencies. When this failed to
- relieve pressure on the lira, Italy withdrew from the ERM. The
- Bank of Italy continues to monitor exchange rates and to seek
- lira stability against other EU currencies (especially the
- deutschemark) in order to avoid tensions with other EU
- countries regarding the question of competitive devaluations.
- The Bank of Italy does not intervene in the markets to defend
- the lira except in exceptional circumstances.
- The lira devaluation has made Italian exports more
- competitive and resulted in a substantial trade surplus
- (estimated at 4 percent of GDP for 1994). Italy's share of
- global exports increased from 3.5 percent at end-1992 to 3.7
- percent at end-1993, and exports are expected to grow by 9
- percent in 1994. The lower lira, combined with the recession
- in 1992-93, has resulted in stagnation in Italian imports, not
- only from the U.S., but from other suppliers as well.
- 3. Structural Policies
- Structural rigidities have hindered Italy's economic
- growth. Rigid hiring and firing rules, downward wage stiffness
- and high unemployment benefits for redundant industrial workers
- have distorted the labor market and have had a negative impact
- on job creation. On the positive side, two labor cost
- agreements in the last several years have reduced the cost of
- labor to less than annual increases in inflation, which has
- resulted in increased Italian competitiveness in international
- markets. As part of its effort to create jobs, the Berlusconi
- government passed tax legislation in July 1994 aimed at
- encouraging the formation of small businesses (Italy's major
- employers) and providing incentives to young entrepreneurs.
- Another major area of structural rigidity in Italy is
- financial markets, particularly the banking sector, which have
- been heavily regulated and slow to respond to market needs.
- The Italian stock market, relatively undeveloped compared
- to its European counterparts, has undergone a significant
- transition over the last few years. A 1991 law, designed to
- make the Italian stock market more modern, efficient, and
- transparent, established a new type of brokerage company, the
- Security Intermediation Company, known by its Italian acronym,
- SIM. SIMs have replaced individual stockbrokers as the primary
- stock market intermediaries. While supporting reform of the
- Italian market, U.S. and other foreign firms have objected to a
- provision of the law requiring all securities firms wishing to
- do business in Italy or with Italian clients to establish a SIM
- in Italy. Due to the costs of establishing a SIM, the law
- disadvantages U.S. and other foreign firms. The SIMs law
- violates the basic tenets of the OECD Code of Liberalization
- and has been challenged by the EU Commission because it also
- violates the Treaty of Rome. It will likely require
- modification to conform to European Union directives which come
- into effect in 1996.
- Government procurement practices are not completely guided
- by free market principles. Government procurement in some
- areas (e.g. heavy electrical equipment, telecommunications, and
- military hardware) is heavily directed toward Italy-based
- suppliers. Moreover, procurement procedures are not fully
- transparent. Except for agricultural products, taxes and
- customs duties do not present serious obstacles to U.S.
- exports. While Italy remains relatively open to foreign
- investment, direct foreign investment can become a political
- issue. The 1990 anti-trust law gives the government the
- authority to block mergers over a certain size involving
- foreign companies under certain conditions. Thus far, however,
- the anti-trust authority has not acted against foreign
- investment, concentrating instead on promoting increased
- competition in Italian markets. There are no impediments to
- foreign investment participation in the privatization process.
- Legislation to bring Italy into conformity with European
- Union regulations has begun to eliminate some of these
- structural barriers. The elimination of foreign exchange
- controls is one example. Legislation to reform the banking
- system, which took effect on January 1, 1994, is another.
- Similar legislation for the securities market is expected in
- 1995. The degree to which these policies affect demand for
- U.S. exports will to a large extent be determined by the
- orientation of the unified EU market. Despite its serious
- financial problems, Italy is committed to participating in
- economic and monetary union. As a founding member of the EU,
- Italy wants to move forward with the first group of countries
- in economic and monetary union. Nonetheless, due to the high
- costs associated with the convergence measures, there is strong
- political opposition to the economic policies necessary for
- Italy to achieve economic convergence with other members of the
- EU.
- 4. Debt Management Policy
- Although Italy has not had external debt or serious balance
- of payments difficulties since the mid-1970's, its domestic
- public debt is extremely large. It is financed principally
- through domestic capital markets, with various securities
- ranging in maturity from three months to thirty years. Italy
- also has a large external debt, though very little of this
- represents obligations of the Republic of Italy. Italy's
- foreign assets, primarily in portfolio form, are substantial.
- Italy's banking system had claims on the so-called debtor
- countries of 15.1 billion dollars at end-September 1993, more
- than half of which were accounted for by Russia and Eastern
- Europe. Italy's banking system is considerably less exposed to
- the debtor countries than those in other G-7 countries.
- U.S. and other foreign banks have complained about the
- handling of the liquidation of EFIM, a large state holding
- company. Two years after the liquidation was announced in July
- 1992, some foreign banks and creditors still have not been paid.
- 5. Significant Barriers to U.S. Exports
- In Italy highly-fragmented, non-transparent government
- procurement practices and significant problems with corruption
- have created obstacles for U.S. firms' seeking to win Italian
- government procurement contracts. A widening investigation of
- abuses in this area has created pressure for reform. On
- January 13, 1994, the Italian Parliament enacted legislation
- (Merloni law) which should provide more transparent procurement
- procedures, including establishment of a central body to
- monitor implementation. However, the reforms envisaged in the
- legislation will not be fully implemented until 1996 and are
- under review by the Berlusconi Government.
- U.S. agricultural exports to Italy compete with products
- covered under the EU's Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). For
- this reason, U.S. products such as meat and sugar continue to
- be subject to quantitative restrictions which are enforced
- through licenses. Agricultural imports also face sanitary and
- phytosanitary barriers that result in the exclusion or
- restriction of certain U.S. products including beef, some seeds
- for planting, and citrus fruit (other than grapefruit).
- Additionally, there are restrictions on U.S. bull semen imports
- into Italy.
- Telecommunications services are still tightly regulated by
- the state, which maintains a monopoly on voice telephony and
- the telecommunications infrastructure, including all
- switching. Enhanced services must be offered over the public
- switched network or through dedicated leased circuits. Resale
- of leased line capacity remains difficult until Italy
- implements EU directives on telecommunications services.
- Multi-user networks are officially outlawed, but sometimes
- tolerated where need is demonstrated. Mobile phone services
- are no longer the monopoly of the state-owned telephone
- utility, SIP. On March 28, 1994, a second cellular operating
- license was awarded to the Omnitel consortium (40 percent U.S.
- participation).
- In keeping with the 1989 EU Broadcast Directive, Italy's
- 1990 Broadcast Law requires that upon conclusion of three years
- from concession of a national broadcast license, a majority of
- TV broadcast time for feature films be reserved for EU-origin
- films. The Italian law also requires that half of the European
- quota be dedicated to Italian films. The Italian law is more
- narrowly focused than the Broadcast Directive, since it
- encompasses only films produced for cinema performance, and
- excludes TV films and series and other programming. The film
- sector decree-law enacted on January 18, 1994, calls for
- application of the Italian broadcast quotas proportionately
- during evening viewing hours, but its language is strictly
- hortatory.
- A separate but related issue concerns films shown in
- Italian theaters. The film sector law approved by Parliament
- on February 23, 1994 eliminated obligatory screen quotas for
- Italian films (heretofore 25 days per quarter subject to
- closing of the theater, under a 1965 law), and in their place
- substituted discretionary rebates on Italy's box office tax for
- theaters that show Italian films. The rebates and eligibility
- thresholds (percentages of screenings required to qualify) vary
- according to the category of film. The United States continues
- its efforts both to obtain elimination of discriminatory laws
- and regulations in the audiovisual sector and to limit their
- impact in the interim.
- In the areas of standards and standards setting, Italy has
- been slow in accepting test data from foreign sources, but is
- expected to adopt EU standards in this area. In sectors such
- as pollution control, the uniformity in application of
- standards may vary according to region, thus complicating
- certification requirements for U.S. business.
- Some professional categories (e.g. engineers, architects,
- lawyers, accountants) face restrictions that limit their
- ability to practice in Italy without either possessing Italian
- nationality or having received an Italian university degree.
- Rulings by individual local customs authorities can be
- arbitrary or incorrect, resulting in denial or delays of entry
- of U.S. exports into the country. Considerable progress has
- been made in correcting these deficiencies, but problems do
- arise on a case-by-case basis.
- Since 1990, the United States/Italy civil aviation
- relationship has undergone some liberalization, including the
- entry of new U.S. carriers in 1991 and 1992. However, U.S.
- carriers have expressed concern over a range of doing-business
- issues, a number of which relate to the services monopolies at
- international airports.
- While official Italian policy is to encourage foreign
- investment, industrial projects require a multitude of
- approvals and permits from the many-layered Italian
- bureaucracy, and foreign investments often receive close
- scrutiny. These lengthy procedures can present extensive
- difficulties for the uninitiated foreign investor. There are
- several industry sectors which are either closely regulated or
- prohibited outright to foreign investors, including domestic
- air transport, aircraft manufacturing, and the state monopolies
- (e.g., railways, tobacco manufacturing and electrical power).
- Until 1992, meaningful privatization of Italian government
- parastatals was thought to be unlikely. However, on August 7,
- 1992 legislation was enacted which began the process of
- converting major groups such as IRI (the industrial state
- holding company) and ENI (the state energy company) into
- joint-stock companies. As of October 1994, several major
- financial institutions and a few industrial concerns had been
- privatized. U.S. firms served as advisors in several of these
- privatizations. The government has announced plans to
- privatize the electricity and telecommunications sectors in
- 1995. Foreign firms, including U.S. firms, have expressed
- interest in upcoming privatizations.
- The expansion of modern distribution units, such as chain
- stores, department stores, supermarkets, hypermarkets, and
- franchises, is severely restricted by local practice and
- national legislation which subjects applications for large
- retail units above a certain merchandising surface to a lengthy
- and cumbersome authorization process. Italy provides a number
- of investment incentives consisting of tax breaks and other
- measures to attract industrial investment to depressed areas,
- especially in the south of Italy.
- In September, 1990 the Italian Parliament approved an anti-
- trust law. The law gives the government the right to review
- mergers and acquisitions over a certain threshold. The
- government has the authority to block mergers involving foreign
- firms for "reasons essential in the national economy" if the
- home government of the foreign firm does not have a similar
- anti-trust law or applies discriminatory measures against
- Italian firms. A similar provision in the law applies to
- purchases by foreign entities of five or more percent of an
- Italian credit institution's equity.
- 6. Export Subsidies Policies
- Italy subscribes to EU directives and Organization for
- Economic Cooperation and Development agreements on export
- subsidies. Through the EU, it is a member of the GATT
- Subsidies Code. Italy also provides extensive export refunds
- under the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), which are being
- scrutinized under CAP reform.. Italy has an extensive array of
- export promotion programs. Grants range from funding of travel
- for trade fair participation to funding of export consortia and
- market penetration programs. Many programs are aimed at
- small-to-medium size firms. Italy provides direct assistance
- to industry and business firms to improve their international
- competitiveness. This assistance includes export insurance
- through SACE, the state export credit insurance body, as well
- as direct export credits. While subsidies to the steel and
- shipbuilding industries were legally terminated in July 1992,
- some U.S. industries have expressed concern that these
- export-promoting subsidies continue.
- 7. Protection of U.S. Intellectual Property
- The Italian Government is a member of the World
- Intellectual Property Organization, and a party to the Berne
- and Universal Copyright conventions, the Paris Industrial
- Property and Brussels Satellites conventions, the Patent
- Cooperation Treaty, and the Madrid Agreement on International
- Registration of Trademarks.
- Italy since 1989 has been on the intellectual property
- rights "watch list" under the Special 301 provision of the 1988
- trade act, reflecting problems with protection of copyrights
- for computer software and film videos. Enactment in December
- 1992 of the EU software directive making software copyright
- violations a criminal offense was a major step forward.
- Simultaneously, the GOI substantially increased enforcement
- actions against both video and software pirates and created an
- Interministerial Anti-Piracy Committee. Other activity has
- included specialized training courses for Italy's three law
- enforcement agencies, and creation by the Judiciary of
- specialized "pools" of prosecutors to press the fight against
- piracy in several major municipal centers. U.S. consultations
- with Italy have contributed to improved enforcement action and
- are continuing to seek a stronger legal framework.
- Application of the new software law appears to be making a
- significant dent in Italy's software piracy problem. Following
- enactment of the law, Italy's Guardia di Finanza initiated a
- large number of investigations, seizing 94,000 illegal programs
- and pressing criminal charges against 60 resellers in 1993. As
- Italian companies moved to legalize software holdings, U.S.
- industry reported that the rate of software piracy in Italy
- declined from an estimated 86 percent in 1992 to 50 percent in
- 1993 (less than the European average). As a result, the
- Business Software Alliance reports that sales of packaged
- personal computer software increased by 331 percent compared to
- 1992 sales.
- Film video piracy remains a serious problem. U.S. motion
- picture distributors estimate that some 40 percent of the video
- market consists of pirated material. According to U.S.
- distributors, the television piracy rate ranges from 6-8
- percent and unauthorized film screenings account for 15-20
- percent of all showings. U.S. industry has noted a significant
- increase in raids and confiscation of illegal cassettes and
- equipment. Italian plans to enact by June 1995 the EU
- Copyright Duration Directive, which would extend the general
- copyright term to 70 years, should help address a longstanding
- issue about protection for older classics.
- 8. Worker Rights
- a. The Right of Association
- The Workers' Statute of 1970 provides for the right to
- establish a trade union, to join a union and to carry out union
- activities in the workplace. Trade unions are not government
- controlled, and the Constitution fully protects their right to
- strike, which is frequently exercised. In the past, the three
- major labor confederations had strong historical ties to the
- three major political parties, but now are autonomous of all
- political parties and continue to administer certain social
- welfare services for the Government, which compensates them
- accordingly. Moreover, the Workers' Statute favors the three
- confederations to the extent that it is difficult for small
- unions, including the so-called "base committees" (COBAS), to
- obtain recognition. The election of the new Union
- Representation Units (RSU) in the workplaces, as stipulated in
- the July 1993 agreement, has begun. So far, less than
- one-third of all workplaces have held elections. The three
- major labor confederations have won most of the elections to
- date. These unions suffered some loss of active worker
- membership due to the recession in 1993. Small autonomous
- unions refuse to participate in the RSU elections, and often
- try to maintain their local union representation structure.
- In June 1994, a period of light collective bargaining
- activity, 170,000 hours were lost due to strikes, one tenth of
- the total lost in June 1993 (1.7 million hours). In the period
- January-June 1994, 2.4 million hours were lost because of
- strikes, almost 80 percent below the time lost in the
- corresponding period in 1993 (11.6 million hours). The total
- time lost in 1993 (23.8 million hours), was the highest
- recorded since the 1990 strike law was enacted. Most of the
- strikes were motivated by layoffs and downsizing in industry.
- b. The Right to Organize and Bargain Collectively
- The right of workers to organize and bargain collectively
- is protected by the Constitution and is freely practiced
- throughout the country. Labor-management relations are
- governed by legislation, custom, collective bargaining
- agreements, and labor contracts. A new system of collective
- bargaining was negotiated in July 1993. It provides for wage
- increases to be limited to programmed inflation in the first
- two years of four year contracts with a reopener clause after
- the second year to adjust wages in accordance with actual
- inflation. It also permits plant level bargaining to take
- place according to schedules established in national sectoral
- contracts. The renewal of the major national labor contracts
- started in early 1994 and is expected to continue into early
- 1995. More than 10 million workers are covered by these
- agreements, of which those covering 7 million workers are still
- pending renewal. Company-level agreements have also been
- signed in some large and medium-sized enterprises, providing
- for wage increases tied to productivity and profitability of
- the firm, introducing more flexibility in the use of the
- workforce and, in some cases, establishing private pension
- funds jointly financed by management and labor.
- National collective bargaining agreements in fact apply to
- all workers regardless of union membership. The July 1993
- accord calls for this to be guaranteed by law. Collective
- bargaining at the national level (involving the three
- confederations, the public and private employers' organizations
- and, where appropriate, the Government) occurs irregularly and
- deals with issues of universal concern. The EU has recently
- approved a directive on Work councils in multinational
- companies which is aimed at permitting unions and workers to
- establish European-level representation structures. The
- directive establishes a two year period for the implementation
- of European Work Councils. Some multinationals operating in
- Italy have already established such bodies in anticipation of
- this directive.
- Italy enacted legislation in 1992 to bring it into
- compliance with the EU Directive on transfer of ownership. The
- law provides that the unions of both the former owner and the
- new owner's respective companies must be consulted in advance
- of the sale and that no worker's benefits will be lost as a
- result of the transfer of ownership. Unions have the right to
- bargain with the employers in case of restructuring processes
- and workers who are laid off are entitled to receive their
- wages from the earnings compensation fund (financed by
- employers and the state).
- There are no areas of the country, such as export
- processing zones, where union organizations and collective
- bargaining are impeded or discouraged. The law prohibits anti-
- union discrimination by employers against union members and
- organizers. A 1990 law encourages workers in small enterprises
- (i.e., fewer than 16 employees) to join unions and requires
- "just cause" for dismissals from employment.
- c. Prohibition of Forced or Compulsory Labor
- Forced or compulsory labor, which is prohibited by law,
- does not exist in practice.
- d. Minimum Age for Employment of Children
- Under current legislation, no child under 15 years of age
- may be employed (with some specified exceptions). The Ministry
- of Labor may, as an exception, authorize the employment on
- specific jobs of children under 15 years of age, for example in
- artistic presentations or film making, which are not dangerous
- or harmful to the child's morality and health and do not take
- place after midnight. The child must have at least 14
- consecutive hours of rest between performances. The minimum
- age is 16 for youth employed in dangerous, fatiguing, and
- unsanitary work, and 18 for youth employed in a number of
- occupations including mines, tunnels without mechanical
- vehicles, and sulfur ovens in Sicily. No worker under 18 years
- may be employed in driving and pulling trucks and carriages, or
- in jobs involving explosives. Minimum age and compulsory
- education laws (currently through age 14, but due to be raised
- to age 16) are effectively enforced in most areas. According
- to a research study conducted by sociologists among children
- attending elementary school, the number of children below 15
- years of age who work is estimated at 400,000. According to